Channel: Beastly
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: petsbarcroftmediaanimalstagbeastlybig dogzamazing storiesjune2020elijah pradabarcroft tv246178barcroft animalsdogsamazing storyanimalstrulypresa canariodocumentary
Description: SUBSCRIBE to Beastly: MEET Bane the 165lbs Presa Canario who, according to his owner, is the perfect family guardian. Elijah Prada, 39, of California, runs SoCalPresa who breed Presa Canarios and aim to produce the ultimate family guard dogs. Elijah also owns Negra, a 117lbs Presa Canario. Three-year-old Bane and Negra, who is three months younger, have been trained in obedience and protection to handle any issue for Elijah and his family. Among SoCalPresa’s clients are American football star Odell Beckham Jr. and NBA star Lonnie Walker. Elijah told Beastly: “Bane is definitely the perfect family guardian. He is the result of over 15 years of breeding, that we specifically were looking for traits that were family friendly, but also extremely guardian. I literally couldn't think of anything more that I would want out of a Bane, nothing.” Follow here for more: Video Credits: Producer: Emika Berry Editor: Helen Mckee Follow your favourite Beastly shows on Instagram! Beastly: Dog Dynasty - Check out more videos here! Truly: Barcroft Cars: